This is an Outlet article from Vonk B.V. There is still 1 item of this product in stock. An additional 10% discount on the net sales price is charged for an outlet item.
Wolf® HT-15 – Headband kit is suitable for:
Wolf® HT-400Z0 – Headlamp
Kit includes:
1x Fabric headband
4x Helmet clamps
Outlet items from Vonk B.V. concerns damaged packaging or last pieces (residual stock). If no specific price is stated, we will give an additional 10% discount on the net sales price. The warranty on these products remains the same, unless otherwise stated for the product in question.
Headband and helmet clamps for the Wolf headlamp
Vonk art. code: 9000HT15
Leverancier/supplier art. code: HT15/11667