Interior: 230 × 230 × 230 mm
This product is a Sale item. There are 2 items left in stock for this product. For a Sale item, an additional 10% discount is calculated on the net sales price.
– Interior Dimensions: 282 x 165 x 165 mm
– Exterior Dimensions: 406 x 260 x 381 mm
– Product Type: Reusable Pack
– Cooling Type: PCM Coolant
– Run Time: 16 Hours
– Temperature: 1°C to 6°C
– Load Capacity: 8 Liters
– Tare Weight: 6.1 kg
– Volumetric Weight: 7.9 kg
– Colour: Red
– THT ticset: Until 2030
Sale items concern damaged packaging or last pieces (remaining stock). If no specific price is mentioned, we give an additional 10% discount on the net sales price. The guarantee on these products remains the same, unless otherwise stated for the product in question.
Temperature controlled container for use in transporting blood within a hospital, from blood bank to operating room. Maintains a safe temperature for the blood throughout the procedure and for any remaining units to be returned to the blood bank.
Vonk B.V. art. code: 141100112
Interior: 230 × 230 × 230 mm
Interior: 180 × 180 × 180 mm
Interior: 381 × 381 × 381 mm
Interior: 457 × 457 × 457 mm
Voorstraat 41
3265 BT Piershil, The Netherlands
+31 (0) 88 033 0300
COC: 24120672
VAT: NL001248017B01
DUNS: 407932342
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