SALE – Interior: 320 x 230 x 105 mm
This product is a Sale item. There is 1 item left in stock for this product. For a Sale item, an additional 10% discount is calculated on the net sales price.
– Lamp type: Cree XHP50/TIR
– Size: 108 x 24.5 x 29mm
– Beam distance: 286 m
– Luminance: 2300 lm (Max), Turbo2 1800 lm / 1 h, Turbo1 900 lm / 1 h 40 min, Main3 390 lm / 4 h, Main2 165 lm / 10 h 30 min, Main1 30 lm / 50 h, Firefly3 5.5 lm / 12 days, Firefly2 1.5 lm / 40 days, Firefly1 0.15 lm / 200 days, Strobe3 10 Hz / 1800 lm / 2 hours,
– Light angle: 70 – 120°
– Strobe function: Strobe2 1 Hz / 1800 lm / 5 h, Strobe1 1 Hz / 165 lm / 52 h
– Rechargeable: Yes
– Battery: 1×18650 Li-Ion
– Weight: 65g
– Colour: Black
Turbo mode required 18650 Li-Ion batteries without PCB (unprotected) or with PCB simultaneously 7A discharge current for stable working.
Sale items concern damaged packaging or last pieces (remaining stock). If no specific price is mentioned, we give an additional 10% discount on the net sales price. The guarantee on these products remains the same, unless otherwise stated for the product in question.